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Wonder Woman Wednesday - Stefanie Hageman

Meet our Wednesday Wonder Woman, Stefanie Hageman.

Juggling family life with running a coaching business to support other Moms in business, Stefanie has created a life she loves and is helping others find the courage to do the same.

When you were a little girl, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Interestingly enough, I wanted to be a combo of cake decorator and waitress! For me, that was where I saw the greatest amount of servitude. I also loved the creative aspect of decorating wedding cakes and cupcakes to make people happy!

What do you do now? For work? For fun?

My passion is an Entrepreneur Coach specifically for Moms. I run both group and individual coaching programs that help moms both launch new business or revamp and revitalize their current business. As a mom myself, I love to spend time with my family. I also enjoy fitness and doing home improvement projects with my husband.

How did you get into your area of expertise?

With 2 boys of my own, I had to learn and develop skills while launching my own coaching business. It wasn’t simply about learning about marketing or building a website, but also about managing your home, prioritizing housework, and balancing schedules. This life can be crazy, and it can be scary to tackle so much at the same time, but it can be done.

So, in my programs, I teach moms how to do it all – and by doing it all, I mean the basics of business, how to find your niche customer, etc., but we also cover emotional fear barriers, family schedules, health and self care, and even budgeting!

What obstacles have you faced in following your dreams and how have you overcome them?

To be honest, the obstacles that I faced were internal. For so long, I was consumed with learning everything before I implemented anything. I was stuck in analysis paralysis! It wasn’t until I learned that I needed to start taking action and put aside my perfectionist tendencies that I started to build this business that I’m so proud of. I also had to learn what I needed to outsource to keep my business and family in balance.

What’s the best part of what you do?

The absolute best part of my job is watching a woman, who previously had no faith in herself or her passions, break through and find a way to monetize it while not becoming a slave to her business. I live for that moment!

What advice do you have for other women who might want to follow suit?

That building your own business has a learning curve. We won’t do everything perfectly all the time. We will make mistakes, but if you’re using your mistakes as building blocks, everything will be okay. I also want for women to avoid the pit that I was stuck in for so long – don’t put off jumping in because you want for it to be perfect, no matter what the it is in your life!

What’s your morning routine?

I wake up and get my boys ready for the day – including my husband! I truly believe in sending people off on the right foot, so I don’t start tackling anything until they are gone for the day. Then, I take some time to read my Bible with a cup (or 3!) of coffee, look at my list of to-do’s that I completed the previous afternoon, and get moving. After spending 10 years in a corporate environment where I had to commute 40 minutes each way (and started work at 6:30am!!), my mornings are definitely more relaxed, and I find that I can give each member of my family the love and attention in the morning. I also add in a workout around 10:30am.

3 things that are on your ‘to do’ list today?

  • Respond to 3 client inquiries

  • Build out my coaching curriculum for my group coaching call tomorrow night (my curriculum is not static, and I build it out based on what my client’s questions or struggles currently are)

  • Shoot 3 videos – some for my coaching groups and one for my social media platforms

What are you working on at the moment? Next project?

My next project will be a 6-month group coaching program that goes deeper into building your business while keeping your sanity. Again, going after those women who have AMAZING ideas but don’t know how to balance it all!!

One woman you admire and why?

Glennon Melton. I admire her because of her real-ness. She welcomes everyone with open arms and assures them that they aren’t alone, no matter what road they’re traveling. Whenever I read a blog post, social media post, or a chapter in her book, I feel an immediate sense of “Yes! Let’s start a love revolution together!!” She is a big believer in banding together with other women rather than breaking others down. I love love love that.

Three wishes?

1-That women would stop believing the lies about themselves that keep them in a fear bubble

2-That my bathroom would stay clean for longer than 2 days (I live with 3 boys!)

3-That I can use whatever platform God will give me to help women live empowered lives and that we can, indeed, start a revolution.

Who do you turn to for advice?

I have my own coach, Mia Davies, and I turn to her when I can tell that I am getting stuck in my own fear bubble. I also ask those little business questions knowing that she’s done it, had some success and some failure, and she can help me find my own path.

Who do you turn to for a shoulder to cry on?

I definitely turn to both God and my husband. In business, there are some days that you’re going to want to break down, but I find that when I pour out my heart, I find peace and I can pick myself up and take the next step with faith and confidence.

Favourite book?

For me, it’s the Bible. I love knowing that I have words that can speak to me when I am feeling the entire range of emotions and I can find that peace and confidence.

Favourite movie?

Totally girly, I know, but I love Pretty Woman. To me, it’s a fun story that really talks about breaking out of that fear and claiming love. So often, women are even afraid to go after love simply because they’re afraid or they don’t think they’re worth it. Julia Roberts gave us the quintessential story how, no matter your past, you can have a fairy tale. It just might look a little different for some of us.

Favourite childhood game?

That’s easy – Shoots and Ladders! I was queen of comebacks every time!

Fantasy career? Why?

I think that, even though I’m still in the baby stage, this is my fantasy career!

Words for Monday motivation?

If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.

I have to go with the masses and say Uptown Funk. It puts me in a dance-kind of mood, and I’m ready to tackle having some FUN!

Favourite quote?

“Life will hit you hard in the face, wait for you to get back up just so it can kick you in the stomach. But getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.” Sarah Kay

Thank you so much Stefanie!

x Louise

Contact Stefanie


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