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Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe - Who Are Bodhi Babes?

Your vibe attracts your tribe.

Bodhi Babes are fierce, feminine, women who are awake and ready to create and live the life they desire, women looking for connection and to support others on their journey.

Bodhi Babes are women who want to reconnect with themselves, others and the high vibe, universal energy that is available to all of us. We love nature, fitness, wellness, and live with kindness and compassion for others, our beautiful world and ourselves. We are here to get back in touch with what life is all about; LOVE. We are brave, bold, beautiful women here to stand up, to be counted and make a difference in the world.

Rise sister rise!

I started Bodhi Babes to create a space for women to be inspired, to feel connected, to be able to reconnect with who we are as beautiful, unique individuals and to feel supported to celebrate that. I believe we all have a purpose and encourage you to find yours by getting to know who you truly are, what you value and what brings you joy.

Follow your bliss.

In my late teens and early 20’s I felt really disconnected to others and myself.

I didn’t really ever feel like I ‘fit in’. As an actress and Presenter I was very confident externally but my self-belief was pretty low and got knocked even more every time I went up for a casting I didn’t get. My self worth was tied up in what others thought of me and I spent my life chasing after external things, goals and doing things I thought I ‘should’ do. This ultimately led to me having a break down (a quarter life crisis if you like) and I really lost a sense of who I was and what a truly wanted from life. However what I then thought as a break down I now know to be a breakthrough! It cracked me open to a different way of living and took me on a path of self- development and spirituality, taking better care of my body, mind and soul and getting to know who I really am.

I now work with people 1-1, in workshops and through writing and speaking on my experiences; personal, in business and as an actress and presenter. I want you to know that YOU have everything you need, all the answers are within you.

You are already brave, bold and beautiful but can’t do everything alone… we all need a support network to support us in good and bad times, who are ready to rise with us and take control of our lives to really live the life we dream of and deserve.

Be Brave, Be Bold, You’re Beautiful!

The main message I would like you to take away from Bodhi Babes is that anything is possible- you just need to believe with all your heart in yourself and in miracles (as Gabby Bernstein says- a miracle is a shift in perception from fear to love) and then put the work in to meet your goals and your desires.

You’ve got this! Your desires are waiting!

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