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Wonder Woman Wednesday - Alison Ward

Alison is so inspiring and radiates positivty and high energy.

I am thrilled to share some of Alison's incredible story with you...

When you were a little girl, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I WANTED TO FLY….quite literally. I then realized that I couldn’t fly ( even though I could in my dreams) so I chose to be an air hostess and was gutted when I was told I was too small at 5ft 2 ½ inches! Sob! So I chose the hospitality industry ( I knew deep down I was here to serve, not in a lowly way but to share my gifts to inspire others).

What do you do now? For work? For fun?

My work is my passion (as well as my family my hubby Wayne and my gorgeous boys Sam 23 and James 19 plus our red fox lab Beano Thumper Ward. I am The Anxiety Mentor and author. I use my practical experience and natural gifts to mentor people where I walk with people on their path to happiness. Each session is so very different as they are often ‘chanelled’ specific tools ‘just for YOU’. Since my Awakening as I call it in 1994, I have discovered that I am a direct channel for information, guidance and support to help others as well as myself. It still amazes me to this day. I believe that we are co creators of our lives and once we take full responsibility fused with self belief we can create a magical way of living. Two days after been given a great new technique to co create Beano our Labrador entered our lives and has given us so much love and pleasure yet we didn’t know we wanted a dog. We now live the dream in an idyllic location in Malvern , Worcestershire where I’m writing my first novel; The Ordinary Life of A Spiritual Guru and I see clients for retreat days to kickstart their lives and free them form anxiety to start moving towards happiness and freedom. Im the proud mommy of three books Awarded By Angels, the true story of a survivor of Domestic Violence, Bringing You Back To YOU and my little gem of chanelled messages Get That Friday Feeling. For fun I walk, roll down hills and enjoy a cold sauvignon while counting my blessings.

How did you get into your area of expertise?

I had a life changing event that nearly took my life as well as my little boy’s Sam. He was only 2 and a half. My ex, Sam’s father didn’t like that we were living our lives without him. He’d heard I had a new partner, my now husband of 19 years. He came to our home and attacked me and then took Sam in a car that was found by the police full of carbon monoxide. The aftermath was worse than the attack that I now call The Awakening. Overnight I had lost my job, my home, “friends” and my peace of mind. No one could reach me. I was planning to end my life. I thought it was the best for everyone but then something amazing happened… I then intuitively discovered self help tools that lay dormant within me. I started to practice them and got well again. I went from being petrified of leaving the house to flying solo to Dubai and USA to deliver talks and teachings. Im now known as The Anxiety Mentor and some people even call me their spiritual guru! How funny. Since The Awakening life events took me to setting up a self development practice where I offer my gifts and expertise to help people who are anxious, at a crossroads or the start of a transition. I love my work and feel humbled to being a part of many people’s transformations.

What obstacles have you faced in following your dreams and how have you overcome them?

Many. Periods of self disbelief and even self loathing (at the beginning of my recovery) to compare and despair where I look at others and let my ego take hold to say ‘you’re not good enough’ or ‘you don’t deserve it.’ I’ve had failed failed projects and collaborations but they have taught me so much. A couple of ‘off’ book reviews have knocked me but in the grand scheme of things there have been a huge number of positive comments, feedback and testimonials that keep me going. Working with people so closely can be challenging. When you hear their deepest secrets, they see you as their friends and push the boundaries so I have to be mindful and consistent in my approach.

What’s the best part of what you do?

The absolute fulfilment! I hear on a regular basis that working with me has been a fantastic investment and changed lives. One lady with severe anxiety who was agoraphobic sent me a photo of her and her husband 120 miles away in London at a wedding all glammed up after only 9 sessions. She was unable to leave the house for 6 months prior to working with me. How humbling is that?

What advice do you have for other women who might want to follow suit?

Believe in YOU. Discover your gifts and talents, accept them, nurture them. Surround yourself with believer and invest in a great mentor!

What’s your morning routine?

I get up, say my genuine gratitudes and blessings. Enjoy some meditation or mindfulness. Enjoy a cuppa, walk my Beano then answer emails before my first client.

3 things that are on your ‘to do’ list today?

Add posts on my Free Yourself From Anxiety Facebook group. Channel today’s Get That Friday Feeling message, post it and email it out to my followers and call my son Sam who is shortly moving to Dubai to discuss his leaving celebrations…oh and try not to cry!

What are you working on at the moment? Next project?

I have two projects; one to enter the corporate world to assist anxious members of staff to improve the companies sick record and writing my first novel; The Ordinary Life of A spiritual Guru. It’s about a 29 year old woman who finds spirituality in funny, strange and bizarre ways. Part auto biographical and some aspects from clients over the years, it will provide a lighter look at discovering spirituality.

One woman you admire and why?

Oprah Winfrey. She’s got guts and isn’t afraid to speak her truth.

Three wishes?

To be happy –always, to be loved and to be loving.

Who do you turn to for advice?

Myself; I ask my inner guru, my inner angel, inner tuition or if I can’t get any answers I ask my husband Wayne.

Who do you turn to for a shoulder to cry on?

Wayne or my boys unless it’s about them then I turn to my lovely friend Karen Ward – soul sista or my friend Ellie in Arizona.

Favourite book?

Hmm too many to mention. I loved DH Lawrence when I was young but now there are too many to choose.

Favourite movie?

The Green Mile.

Favourite childhood game?

Rolling down hills with my dress tucked in my knickers.. then getting told off by my mum for the grass stains.

Fantasy career?

To be an actress. So I can be whomever I want to be.

Words for Monday motivation?

Believe in you and the world will follow.

LOVELY DAY. Bill Withers.

Favourite quote?

Be the change you wish to see in the world. Mahatma Ghandi.

Thank you so much Alison!

x Louise

Contact Alison

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