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Wonder Woman Wednesday

Meet our Wednesday Wonder Woman, the gorgeous

Lucy Halligan from Massage The Senses.

When you were a little girl, what did you want to be when you grew up?

An Archeologist as I wanted to travel and discover things from the past.

What do you do now? For work? For fun?

I provide a new and exciting feature at events and weddings, its called Massage the Senses the uk's first company to incorporate the 5 human senses within the brand.

I am also a Mother to my 8 year old daughter so I let my inner child out when I'm around her and love to get my creative streak out. I teach a powerhoop fitness class once a week initially to build my confidence but it's where I let go and shake it off!!

How did you get into your area of expertise?

I did a 2 year course after finishing school and worked in a spa but I would get so relaxed I would always run over time. I just loved massage and having worked for numerous events companies thought I'd have a fresh spin and bring the awareness of the senses into the mix.

What obstacles have you faced in following your dreams and how have you overcome them?

I became very ill a couple of years ago which made me reflect on my life, the one thing I took for granted was my health. Working so hard made me neglect myself and my body which is why I have set up Massage the Senses so that it helps bring an awareness to everyone of how important it is to take time out for themselves. Time is a big issue for most people and we now live in such a fast paced life nobody seems to have time, so by us being at an event it gives people the space to realize how important it is to just take 10 minutes of your day to completely switch off.

What’s the best part of what you do?

I love the moment when people are amazed at what can be done in 10 minutes, also interacting with so many different people which helps me learn and grow as a person.

What advice do you have for other women who might want to follow suit?

Follow your heart and do something you love and enjoy and that passion will resonate with each person you come in contact with. Sometimes they aren't ready for you yet but be persistant it works.

What’s your morning routine?

School run in the morning, once I'm home I meditate for 10 mintutes and go on with my day with my 10 daily goals.

3 things that are on your ‘to do’ list today?

Create a newsletter

Finish my LinkedIn profile

Food Shopping

What are you working on at the moment? Next project?

I have collaborated with UK Brides and Let's Get Weddy to help with bookings at weddings. My next project is my You Tube channel, watch this space...............

One woman you admire and why?

My Mom purely because she would do anything to help and support me, plus I know what she went through to get me into the world.

Three wishes?

  • Fulfillment

  • Spread my message across the world

  • Teleportation would be awesome as I could visit and get to work much easier. I'm not asking for much.

Who do you turn to for advice?

My mentor Mark Sephton has helped me through my business journey and he always gets me back on track. I also have a good team who I work with who give me ideas and my sister who I can call on at any time.

Who do you turn to for a shoulder to cry on?

My family and friends are my support network and I'm blessed to have them as they are amazing in lots of different ways.

Favourite book?

I'm not a massive reader but I once read a book called soul purposes when I was in hospital which gave scenarios of how to look at life differently really reached out to me.

Favourite movie?

Its a wonderful life with James Stewart, one which I used to watch every christmas with the family.

Favourite childhood game?

Good water bomb fight, with 3 brothers and a sister it got very messy.

Fantasy career? Why?

Being an Astronaut fasinates me, to think there is more than just Earth and to see that would be amazing. Also having a weightless body you could eat as much as you want and not carry it around.

Words for Monday motivation?

Throw kindness around like confetti

I got the power by snap I was also priviledged to see them live last year.

Favourite quote?

Love the life you live, live the life you love (Bob Marley)

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