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For The Love Of Running

On the journey to the start line, we learn the most about ourselves.

In the push to the finish we put what we've learned to the test.

Today the streets of London were packed, with support for one of the world's largest sporting events, the 35th anniversary Virgin Money, London Marathon.

I was supposed to be running today but am instead watching the great race on TV and typing this on my sofa. Troy (My Dalmatian) had to go in for a last minute operation last week and while he heals and navigates his way around (trying not to bump into everything in his 'cone of shame') he needs me at home.

I love London Marathon and had the honour of running it in 2011. It was a difficult decision to pull out, after a tough training season and only finally feeling ready last week. I almost couldn't watch, but with lots of friends running it and as Paula Radcliffe's last marathon, it was an event not to be missed.

I am so pleased to have been able to witness this iconic race in its full glory on the BBC. It also gave me time to think and understand how I feel and why I run...

Another business I have is coaching runners: Run To Become...

I called it Run To Become; because that's exactly it... you can become anything YOU want!

The below quote from Oprah Winfrey, sums it up perfectly for me...

You get out of it what you put in to it! That doesn't mean you have to be the fastest runner or that you have to run marathon, it simply means giving your all to whatever you choose to do, to whatever makes you happy. We all run for different reasons and in life we experience joy from different things.

Goals are important. They push us forward, keep us on track and help us get results.

However, we must ensure we are setting the right goals, for the right reasons.

It's vital we are able to take in and enjoy the journey. The joy we experience at our destination is often fleeting, the real satisfaction comes from soaking up the moments between the start and finish line. It won't always be easy but if you know your why, you'll have motivation to keep going and experience the beautiful, sweet nectar of progress.

Look up!

Paula Radcliffe's run today was a great example of soaking up the moments between the start and finish lines. Paula is the women's world record holder for the marathon event and her 2003 London Marathon time of 2:15.25, is yet to be beaten. After the last few years of being out of the race, due to injury, Paula ran London Marathon 2015, as a farewell race, so she could run with the masses, look up to soak it all in.

It was emotional to watch, as Paula smiled and waved the whole way round, still running at an incredible pace to finish in 2:36:55 - that's her "taking it easy"! Wow!

Ask yourself these questions for your journey:

  • Who and what do you see?

  • How do you feel?

  • Are you enjoying yourself?

  • What do you enjoy about it? Notice the details.

  • What's your goal?

  • What's your why? Your reason for doing it?!

At the end of the day, it is ourselves we are competing against.

Enjoy your journey.

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