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Wonder Woman Wednesday - Becca Caddy

Meet our Wednesday Wonder Woman, the gorgeous Becca Caddy.

I am thrilled to share this interview with you. Becca is an inspiration in the self-development/ wellness world and has recently launched her brand new website, Flow & Glow.

When you were a little girl, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I’ve always been OBSESSED with space. So when I was younger I wanted to be an astronaut or do something, anything, that involved staring at the stars.

What do you do now? For work? For fun?

I write. Lots. For work and for fun. During the day, I work as a publisher at a media company, building websites, writing editorial about health and fitness tech and working with some really exciting brands. I also run a website called Flow & Glow about self development and being happier and have a few more interesting projects in the pipeline – I’m really keen to merge my experience in technology with my interest in wellness and also want to help small brands in the feel-good space tell their stories to the rest of the world. Watch this space.

How did you get into your area of expertise?

I started out in a PR agency and loved the writing elements, but didn’t like anything else. One day I just decided I wanted to do something, anything, that involved writing more. So from there I’ve done all sorts of branded content and editorial roles, from writing the product copy for cakes in Asda (and yes I got to try the cakes) to traveling to Las Vegas to write about the latest tech from CES (a huge consumer tech trade show). My degree in english language and literature helped me get into writing, but more than anything else it was just being confident from an early age that I like to write and create awesome things.

What obstacles have you faced in following your dreams and how have you overcome them?

I think like many people I can feel very de-motivated and like there’s no way out. My first role taught me so much, but also felt extremely suffocating. I didn’t think I was myself there. I didn’t think there was a future for me. I think it takes a lot of self-confidence and fearlessness to burst out of those “OMG I’m stuck” situations and find what really sets your soul on fire!

I overcame that particular feeling by quitting. You’ll read plenty of Pinterest quotes about sticking at things no matter what and keeping going regardless, but I think it takes a lot of courage to admit something isn’t for you and quit. To not think twice and just get out of a toxic environment. I actually quit that job with nothing to go to and found a new role as a copywriter that night. I wouldn’t always advise others to leap with nothing to go to, but sometimes the things that scare you the most are the things you really should be doing.

What’s the best part of what you do?

Creating things. I love to write, to build, to produce things that make me feel proud. Recently, as I’ve been writing more about wellness, about nutrition and about being happier I’ve found creating things that uplift, inspire and motivate other people is what I really love doing the most. To hear that a blog post changed just one person’s outlook, turned just one person’s day around makes everything seem worth it.

What advice do you have for other women who might want to follow suit?

Believe in yourself. Yeah it’s a little bit contrived and what everyone seems to say in some form or another. But it’s so true. If you don’t believe in yourself, your skills, your talents and your opinions you’ll spend a lot of your life feeling small, feeling held back and feeling not good enough. Not everyone on the planet is awesome and encouraging, but really your biggest critic is probably yourself.

I think recognizing that the critical voice in my head that wanted to shout “you’re not good enough” every goddam day wasn’t me but just an outdated, soul-sucking part of me was a huge revelation. I realized it was a part of me that was formed from old limiting beliefs, generated from experiences in my past and grown from years and years of being small and letting it dictate how I acted and behaved.

So let’s scrap “believe in yourself” and instead the advice I want to give you is… “That melodramatic, sad, critical a*hole in your head – that’s not real.”

What’s your morning routine?

It never tends to be exactly the same each day, but it involves herbal teas, meditation, lots of stretching and a bath.

3 things that are on your ‘to do’ list today?

Stretch! I’m recovering from a knee injury I’ve had for years and I’m finally building my strength back up, working out like never before and feeling like a proper badass. But my knee will always be a little weaker than the rest of me, so I need to really stick to the stretching and commit to my own strength.

Get out into the sunshine. I’ve just got back from a month in Thailand and I’ve realized I really am solar-powered. I’m not expecting the UK sunshine to give me the same hit as I got in the tropics, but I love being outside. I love being bathed in light. It makes me feel so alive.

Plan my meals. I’ve been reading a lot about discipline recently. It’s funny that in our culture we wince at that word. It makes us think of school and strict teachers. Or a really boring, rigid lifestyle. But I think when it comes to certain things (food being one of them), exercising discipline, removing loads of choice and planning out your meals can be hugely beneficial. It leaves you more time to focus on the things that matter and to create awesome stuff!

What are you working on at the moment? Next project?

I’m merging my love for tech and my love for wellbeing into a new site that I really hope will gaze into the future in a way no one else is. I’m also keen to help healers all over the globe tell their stories online in a more vibrant way, whether that’s setting up a simple blog or writing reams of copy about their journey.

One woman you admire and why?

Gala Darling. She’s the one blogger I’ve loved right from the word go. Her colourful and magical brand of self-development has always picked me-up, taught me valuable lessons and kicked my ass into gear!

Three wishes?

  • To be able to create awesome, uplifting things for people all my life.

  • To travel and work abroad over the next few years.

  • To continue to trust and believe in myself as much as I do right now.

Who do you turn to for advice?

It sounds cheesy, but my boyfriend is very wise, very knowledgeable and very supportive when it comes to advice. I have some amazing friends scattered all over the globe too that I can always rely on and I find a lot of peace and perspective from reading. Whether it’s inspiring self development books or crazy sci-fi. There’s something about getting lost in a magical world that really screws my head back on.

Who do you turn to for a shoulder to cry on?

Probably my family. There’s something really special in knowing they’ll always be there for me.

Favourite book?

Like so many other people out there The Power of Now massively shifted my views of the world. But I’m also a huge fan of H.P. Lovecraft, hideous aliens and magical monsters. You can’t beat it.

Favourite movie?

I love anything sci-fi. Star Wars, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Alien. If it’s about space, has ewoks in it or will definitely haunt my dreams for months to come then I’m in.

Favourite childhood game?

Probably climbing trees, running around fields and exploring forests. I’m so glad I grew up in the countryside!

Fantasy career?

Probably a sci-fi movie screenwriter. I love movies. I love space. I love writing. In fact it’s not my fantasy career, it could well be my future career!

Words for Monday motivation?

You decide how you feel. You can choose to turn this moment around right now. You have all the tools you need. Choose happiness.

Too Long by Daft Punk

Favourite quote?

Wow that’s difficult! I don’t know if it’s my favourite of all time, but my favourite right now is by Carl Jung, “I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become.”

Contact Becca


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