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Dancing Round The Fire Of Burning Desire

Tears, laughter, pain, joy, some no's and lots of yes's!

Seven women gathered to burst the bubbles of our disappointments

and dance around the fire of our burning desires.

We lit candles, made offerings to our altar and commitments to one another.

We created a sacred space for the weekend and a friendship pact for life. Desires were uncovered in our Bodhi Babes Desire Map Workshop and we each made a promise to our soul; to honour its cravings.

Magic happens when a group of women meet for a common purpose. When women support one another, we are a force to be reckoned with. Alone we can be powerful, beyond measure and with enough self-belief, we can move mountains.

Together we can change the world.

Thank you so much to the beautiful women who came, shared and held space for some wonderful shifts and discoveries. May your core desired feelings guide you towards manifesting your soul's cravings.

Check out the photos from our March 2015, Desire Map Workshop below and join us for our next Desire Map Workshop 30-31 May 2015. Book here.

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