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I Desire - Damian Lewis and Ewan McGregor...

...What do they have to do with my Core Desired Feelings?

It's not what you think!

Before I had an amazing toolbox of goodies, including The ‪#‎DesireMap‬ and my CDF's, I lacked confidence. I lacked confidence in the desires my intuition knew were there, but I was unable to access. I lacked confidence in the ability to lead a life of my choosing and to do the work I loved... I questioned myself and my ability - was I good enough? How am I? Why would I? My sneaky ego was running the show and society was writing my list of goals.

I trained as an actress and pursued it on and off for years, my confidence getting knocked more each time I went up for a casting that I didn't get. I knew no one in the industry and with my confidence fading I was moving further away from ever getting a 'break'.

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Getting to know my CDF's and learning how to make the right decisions, what to say no to and what to say YES! to, and the ability to find my center amidst chaos and uncertainty spun my life 180. Knowing my CDF and having them as my anchor enabled me to begin making the right decisions, which in turn made me feel good more often - whether I was 'achieving' my list of goals or not.

Knowing my CDF's made me re-evaluate some of my goals and gave me the clarity on why I wanted what I wanted.... and on what I REALLY wanted.

Feeling good on the journey is what it's all about!


There's no point setting goals, to do lists, 5 year plans and in having dreams in the hope that "when I get there I'll feel good", which may never happen and will almost certainly be fleeting.... there's always another goal, more to do and to achieve. So the cycle of "I'll feel good when" begins again.

Upon getting clear on my CDF's I learned to surrender, re-arranged my goals and starting living by what felt good and in alignment with my CDF's.

In doing this magic started to happen...

I felt good almost all of the time! My confidence came back and I began enjoying the journey. In getting clear on my CDF's I became unapologetic in who I am and what I want from life... I do not desire the same things as my friends, neighbours, colleagues and my life is not in-sync with what society has planned for me.

In this clarity and confidence, blocks began to move, things began to manifest and I got out of my own way! The right people started showing up, the right teachers, the right students, the right clients and the right work.

I started acting and presenting again and got roles in some amazing feature films working with incredibly talented actors and crew!

Including City Slacker, A Perfect Plan (release later this year) and

Our Kind of Traitor- starring Stellen Skarsgard, Naomie Harris, Ewan McGreggor and my scene with Damian Lewis!!

I'm not usually someone to name drop but I am so proud of the work I have achieved and how far I have come since getting inner clarity! I love the actors mentioned above and it was always a dream to work with them.

#‎DesireMapping‬- (getting clear on my CDF's:

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...gave me back the confidence I needed to go out there and make things happen for myself.

It's been an amazing journey since then and I haven't looked back. I'm not saying it's all been roses and rainbows, or that I haven't had to work... because believe me it hasn't and I have.

However, I am now living life on my terms, working on projects I love and surrounding myself with people and situations that make me happy. I'm a happier, calmer, more vibrant person and I'm able to get back to my centre quicker than ever.

Bodhi Babes began because I knew what my core desired feelings were and I realised that I am here for a larger purpose and have it within ME to achieve more than I had ever allowed myself to imagine before. Bodhi Babes is one of my great passions in life now and if I didn't get that inner clarity it would never have existed. I would also not be running these beautiful workshops or writing this message for you.

I'm creating more opportunities every day and moving towards goals I truly desire.... and enjoying the journey.

I wanted to share with you just how powerful this work is! There is nothing you can not achieve, with the right clarity, aligned with the goals and dreams you have!

Thank you Danielle La Porte for The Desire Map!

How can Desire Map help you? How can I help you? I'd love you to join me on one of our upcoming workshops.

I desire for you all you desire for yourself! With love, xo Louise

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