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Get Some Headspace

If you're anything like me your mind can be a very busy place...

Like Spaghetti Junction at rush hour, thoughts come in a great speed, you miss the signs and end up taking the wrong exit or missing the exit all together!?

In the past I have struggled with my busy mind, resulting in depression, anxiety and a short attention span. Not fun!

I will talk about these subjects more in future posts but first of all I'd like to share one of my amazing coping strategies...

Last year, I found Headspace.

Simple, guided meditation, online.

You can learn from the app or website, wherever you are.

In just 10 mins a day!

The word meditation once conjoured up visions of monks chanting atop a mountain in Tibet or tree hugging hippies, living an alternate lifestyle.

Now becoming more popular in mainstream Western culture and prescribed by the medical profession as Mindfulness.

Andy Puddicombe, founder of Headspace and Meditaion and Mindfulness expert, has created a wonderful series of short podcasts, which will help you use meditation and mindfulness to relax. Enabling you to find some calm and clarity in your busy day.

MIllions of people regularly practicing mindfulness through meditation suggest that it's an effective treatment for stress, worry, lack of focus, relationship problems, addictions and more. Scientists are now finding evidence supporting these claims.

Whatever area of your life you'd like to improve, from stress to mindful eating, there's a podcast for you.

Get some Headspace!

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